About Me

Hi there! You found my scribblings! And I guess if you’re on this particular page, you want to know a bit about me, so here goes!

First and foremost, I love the Lord and I love His Word. I am saved by His grace alone, and it’s my greatest desire to honor, serve, and obey Him. I think when we do things His way, life makes better sense on every level.

The next most important detail in my life, is my husband, Mark. He’s the real deal, and it’s my honor and pleasure to walk beside him on this journey called life. I’ve been blessed by his example of character, and his godly leadership in our home.

Then, there’s my kids. Zane, Asa, & Mercy. I spend most of my time, being their Mama. If I accomplish nothing else in this life, I pray that my one success would be that my children would be instilled with a solid Biblical foundation, that they may know His Word well, and by it, are prepared to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Some other random facts about me? I’ve survived a blood clot in the brain, not once, but twice! I grew up in Western New York. I love to sew! I met my husband at Bible College. I love books (but not fiction really… weird, right?). I’m fascinated by history and I love theology. We’re a homeschool family, and we’re all nerds. I’m definitely awkward. Awkward people are my people. I have lupus. I’m a Crumbl fanatic! My favorite color is blue some days, and fuschia others!

That about sums it up.

Joyfully in Christ,

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