Christian Living, Biblical Truth, NAR/WOF Recovery, Theological Book Reviews
Yes, I Am An Asbury Revival Skeptic
Hi! It’s me! I’m one of the Asbury Revival skeptics. Seems like a rather dangerous thing to admit right now, but before you stone me, hear me out. I am a former Pentecostal.…
The Truth About Anxiety
Anxiety. I wish I could tell you it’s never an issue for me, but I can’t. To be real with you, I’ve battled it like the plague since childhood. I know what it’s…
Vantage Points
The strange phenomenon and irony of opinions is, the lower the vantage point, the stronger the opinion usually is. I’m learning something these days. Learning. I’m learning not to take people too seriously.…
Stablished, Strengthened, Settled
Twists and turns, wilderness and detours. Where to begin? When we sold everything and hit the road in December, we honestly didn’t know where we were going. We just knew it was time…
The Confused Christian
There was a point in my life, that I walked through a harrowing valley of spiritual confusion. I used to believe that, if a person was a Christian and they loved the Lord,…
Strange Seasons
I’m in a strange season. Nothing about where I am, makes much sense to me. If I look around right now, there is not a lot that I would have chosen. I would…
What is Holiness?
Several years ago, I kept asking myself that question…. every day, for months, because in the background, I was frustrated with inconsistencies, and perplexed by extraneous demands. I couldn’t wrap my head around…
Chasing the Devil
We had just had a “glorious” church service. I had been engaged in what I had considered “spiritual warfare” all week, but I arrived at that service expecting God to move and I…
Pride Devours People
You know, every time I see this title and the featured image, I wonder if it’s a bit… much. I wonder if it comes on too strong… I wonder if I ought to…
The Fear of Irrelevance
Sometimes, honesty is, by necessity, brutal. It’s not always fun to face the truth. It’s not fun to look inside of yourself and see something ugly, but that’s what I had to do.…