Christian Growth,  Christianity,  False Doctrine,  Rooted in Christ

Doctrine is Not Your Enemy

Something I wish more people understood, is that theology and doctrine are not enemies of Christianity. 

I see so much animosity, by professed Christians, toward those who are concerned with doctrine, who value the careful interpretation of God’s Word. Men behind pulpits, entire churches even, belittle and degrade the value of being held accountable to it. Challenge a cherished belief or practice with Scripture and you will immediately be accused of possessing a “religious spirit.” The attitude of so many is an unashamed, “Away with theology! Away with doctrine! They are cumbersome to us! We have all we need here!”

And what is it they have that they value above doctrine and theology? 

Experiences. Opinions. Ideas. Traditions. Subjectivity. 

But all of these things must be held accountable to God’s Word.

That is what doctrine is concerned with.

Contrary to popular belief, doctrine is not some stuffy, unnecessary feature of cold, dead, dried up religion. In fact, the heartbeat of thriving, vibrant, healthy Christianity, is steadfast love for and submission to His Word. If we are not concerned with understanding God’s Word thoroughly, and correctly, and in its proper context, then we are prone to any number of counterfeits. A dozen false gospels crouch at the door of the person who cannot be bothered with doctrine. Studying God’s Word, esteeming the accurate, careful handling of it, is what holds all of us accountable. In fact, to be willfully ignorant of God’s Word is to obstinately reject accountability to it. (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

There is this idea, that “doctrine” is something that just “gets in the way.” Ironically, I think there is some truth to that. Sound doctrine isn’t getting in the way of the genuine Gospel, but it will get in the way of our pride… which is why so many will not endure it.

The diligent study of Scripture, helps us take our ideas and experiences, and hold them up against the Word of God. Doctrine humbles us. It corrects our errors.  As we scrutinize our notions through the Word of God, we relinquish all that doesn’t stand and we embrace dearly what does. It is pride that will not subject itself to this process.

More and more, I am convinced that the outcry against doctrine actually betrays a well-disguised hostility toward Christ. It testifies to a willful ignorance of Him. A Christian that shrinks from the careful study of God’s Word? When His Word lays out a spread before you, of all the richness of Who He is, and you prefer, instead, to cling to your own ideas or experiences, isn’t that concerning? What are we to make of one who justifies a dozen spiritual shortcuts, all so they do not have to face God’s Word? (Matt. 7:13-27; Gal. 1:6-9)

It’s a sobering thought.

When it comes to Christianity, religion and spirituality, people create a cacophony with their ideas, interpretations, and experiences. A chorus of conflicting humanity cries, “I am the one who is right and everyone else is wrong! There’s no need for me to verify what I say with Scripture! There’s no need for me to lay it bare before the Word of God and thoroughly examine it! I just ‘know’. Better yet! ‘GOD’ TOLD ME!” (2 Cor. 11:13-15; Col. 2:8; Jude 1:4; Heb. 1:1-2)

How are people to discern who is right when the world is full of contradicting noise about God? We can’t take everyone at their word or we would we be tossed and driven like the waves! (Eph. 4:14)

The standard is God’s Word, and being held accountable to God’s Word is essential.

The accountability to God’s Word is sound doctrine. (2 Thes. 2:15; Titus 1:9; 1 Tim. 4:16; 2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Imagine walking up to a person who is watching, aghast, as a building they have built, is falling apart. Together, you observe a heavily damaged decorative steeple teetering precariously on top. You look down and see people below it and express deep concern, “That pinnacle is about to fall on them!” The person emphatically corrects you. “Beam!” This happens a handful of times. Every time you say it is a pinnacle, they insist it is a beam… a pillar… a crucial, foundational element. They are convinced that the ideas they have about the gospel are pillars… but in reality, those ideas are merely dilapidated trappings. At one time they may have possessed an attractive façade of spirituality, but ultimately, they are hollow, thin, and crumbling, threatening to harm others. (2 Peter 2:1-3; Matt. 7:24-27) That’s the essence of Christianity without doctrine. Sometimes it has a measure of attractiveness, but under the veneer, it has no depth. No substance. It’s weak. It’s vulnerable. It’s dangerous. (1 Tim. 4:1; Acts 20:29-30;)

The truth is, bad doctrine/theology hurts people. Erroneous teachings obscure the Gospel and distract us from Christ. Ideas that aren’t held accountable to Scripture maim the flock. To profess Christ and to not be concerned with presenting His Word carefully and accurately is reckless and destructive, wounding the very people who you desire to minister to. (1 John 4:1)

God’s Word, in the hand of one who besmirches doctrine is like a man going out to war with a sword, blindfolded. He valiantly slashes his sword, this way and that, striking and slicing “enemies.” Each time he feels his sword strike he is invigorated with his success and victories and it gives him fresh energy to keep swinging… when all is over, he lifts his blindfold, and what does he see? All along, he believed himself to be valiantly vanquishing his foes… and yet… who lies before him now? Slaughtered and tortured, maimed and brutalized? Who is bleeding out on the field before him?

It is none other than the precious little flock God entrusted to him. (Matt. 7:15; 21-23)

This is why doctrine matters. 

This is why men ought to care, deeply, that their every thought, opinion, idea, experience, etc, has been held closely accountable to God’s Word.

When we have right theology, the result is powerful, breathtaking and beautiful! (Psalm 119)

When every thought and idea is brought into submission to the Word of God, we stand firmly and securely in truth. Ideas that aren’t brought into subjection to God’s Word are weak and flimsy, and they topple one another over. When you lean on them, they break, and send you crashing through the floor. Every doctrine grounded in Scripture, however, weaves together with all of the others, each one strengthening the rest. It creates for us a mighty, formidable defense against every enemy of the Gospel. Sound doctrine will not turn you into a spiritual corpse! What a tragic lie they brandish! (1 Tim. 4:1) Sound doctrine will invigorate you with the fullness and beauty of Scripture! It will leave you in constant awe of Christ. It will thrust aside all the clutter and confusion and put Him in full view! It will make you weep! It will fill you to overflowing with joy! It will drive you into the arms of Christ, over and over again. It will cause you to distrust yourself, so that you may rely wholly on Him. It will shatter you in a million pieces and put you back together better. It will sanctify you. It will illuminate His will. It will strengthen and support every area of your life! It will guide you at every turn. It will give you wisdom! (Ps.119:105,130, 165; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; Pro. 3:5-6; Ps. 19:7-8)

For a Christ-follower, resistance to doctrine should be considered a dangerous abnormality. Any person who insists on prioritizing personal experiences, opinions, and traditions over the careful study of and submission to God’s Word reveals in themselves a perilous disregard for accountability. (Col. 2:8)

Doctrine, far from being a loathsome impediment, is our treasured gatekeeper. Doctrine is the very essence of safeguarding against the erosion of truth. Sound theology not only protects us against the onslaught of false teachings, but it also leads us into a joyous, transformative relationship with Christ, and guides us into a deeper understanding of Who He is. The cry for sound doctrine is not something to be detested. It is a call to embrace the richness and vitality that comes from faithfully submitting to the Word of God.

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